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FXOptimax provides liquidity for b2b trades
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Only for your first deposit if minimum deposit is $100, if you withdraw money before clearing bonus, 20% of withdrawal will be deducted from bonus e.g. if you deposited $1000, you received $200 bonus if you withdraw $500, 20% of that $500 ($100) will be deducted from your $200 bonus bonus will be removed 6 months after being credited, bonus cannot be redeemed withdrawn
Kick start your trading with deposit bonus up to us$1,000 no additional risk high risk equals high winnings is no longer true our bonus will increase your margin significantly and is the best way to have higher profit potential while keeping risk low
Only for your 1st deposit Minimum deposit is $100 If you withdraw money before clearing the bonus, 20% of the withdrawal will be deducted from the bonus For example, if you deposited $1000, you got $200 bonus If you then withdraw $500, 20% of that $500 ($100) will be deducted from your $200 bonus Bonus will be removed 6 months after it is credited Bonus can NOT be withdrawn
Special fixed exchange rate idr 10,000 / usd for Indonesian traders a fixed exchange rate is available for deposit and withdrawal through selected local exchangers and fasapay existing customer can add another fixed rate mt4 via myFXOptimax, no need to register again
Special fixed exchange rate IDR 10,000/USD for Indonesian traders Fixed exchange rate is available for deposit and withdrawal through selected local exchangers and Fasapay Existing client may add another fix rate MT4 via MyFXOptimax, no need to re register
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