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TenkoFX Deals
The minimal amount is $5, while the maximum amount from a single trade cannot exceed $100 The maximum aggregate amount that can be obtained under our CashBack program is $1000
Deposit 1000+ usd (if you intend to use bank transfer or credit card, you will first need to verify your identity by carrying your identification documents ) open a new ecn account and start trading this is equivalent to just 0,001% of the transaction cost (1 way) or 1 unit of the base currency per 1 lot (1 way)
Coupon TenkoFX the minimum value is $ 5, while the maximum value of a single deal cannot exceed $ 100 the maximum aggregate value that can be obtained in the CASHBACK program is $ 1000
Open an account at TenkoFX and make a minimum deposit of $10 to start investing
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